We Deliver!

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  • Do you have transportation issues or would it be easier and more convenient to have your prescriptions delivered?
  • Let Remington Drug deliver your prescription to your door. We would be happy to deliver your prescriptions to your home, school or work. We can also help by delivering prescriptions to your loved ones no longer living in their own home. If you live over 10 miles from Remington Drug, but would still like to utilize our pharmacy services, please call us so we can discuss mailing options. (You must reside in VA )
  • How does our delivery service work?
  • It is simple. Prescriptions called in or refilled online by 2:00 p.m. on weekdays (Monday thru Friday) will be delivered that same day by a member of the Remington Drug team! Anything called in after 2 p.m. on weekdays will be delivered the following weekday.
  • Is there a cost for delivery service?
  • Delivery is FREE if you live within a 5 mile radius of the pharmacy and if you live outside that radius (up to a maximum of 10 miles), there is a $5.00 fee. If we are delivering 4 or more prescriptions, we will discount our fee 50%. This is a great reason to consider enrolling in our Med Synchronization program which coordinates the refilling of your maintenance medications at the same time each month.

Is there a cost to have prescriptions mailed?

Depending on the specific situation and what is being mailed will determine whether or not there is a charge to mail. We ask you call the pharmacy to determine if there will be any charges.

** There are no deliveries on weekends or holidays. All prescriptions called in after 2 p.m. on Friday will be delivered on Monday of the following week. Someone must be present at the time of delivery to sign for and accept the prescriptions. Payment arrangements must be made prior to delivery. Delivery service is for prescriptions only.**